Tuesday, April 16, 2013

13 Weeks to Go!

Yup, you guessed it!  I have 13 weeks or less until baby #2 comes.  
Here is what I look like.  
The Nelly lyric "Girl I think my butt getting big" just popped into my head!
I have packed on a few pounds in the last few weeks.  
I guess at some point that has to happen right?
I gained weight the exact same way that I did with Alaire. 
Nothing until the 5th month and then BAM I gained a bunch (13 lbs this time.) 

Anyway, if you don't believe me, here I am a few months ago in the same shirt, barely showing.

We have so much to do before the baby comes.
I have to finish some projects that are half done.  
I do not want to sit and think about them while I am trying to recover.  

Surprisingly I have even hired a few projects to be done.  So for everyone who thinks I do it all, I don't.  Sometimes you have to throw in the towel and hand it over to someone else.

My favorite thing we are doing is taking a family vacation to the beach in a few weeks.  
I just booked it yesterday and I cannot wait! 

I'll be back with a few house projects we are starting or have finished soon!
OH YEAH, and next week is my 1 year blog anniversary, so I am going to be doing a fun giveaway. (It will be handmade too)  So, keep your eyes open for that next week sometime.

I hope you are having a great week so far.  It is super rainy here, which isn't all bad.  It gives me the excuse to wear sweats (not that I needed one) and hang out on the couch with my favorite girl!  

I don't think I can post today without saying my thoughts are with those unfortunate people who fell victim yesterday in Boston.  It is truly sad that someone finds something like this the way to express whatever it is that they are trying to say.  My heart especially bleeds for that mama who lost her little eight year old.  It is hard for me to even try to go there in my mind, to put myself in her shoes.

Monday, April 1, 2013

What I've been sewing...

I did a decent amount of sewing in February and the beginning of March. I kept thinking I was going to take pictures of Alaire in the clothes, but that just didn't happen.  She's just not into it right now : )  
I think I need a three year old sized mannequin.  My current one is for a one year old and it's not quite cutting it, but I have been using it anyway!  
Anyway, here is what I have made lately...

Valentine's Dress
Pattern by Lil' Blue Boo

I couldn't pass up all of these prints.  I decided to make pillowcase dresses  for a friend's twin girls'  birthdays.

This is a vintage pattern that I have had sitting in a drawer, just waiting for Alaire to get big enough to wear it.

Love the sailor collar.
These shorts are to be worn with the top above.  They are high waisted and so cute with the shirt tucked in.  I had pinned a pair of womens' shorts a while back and decided to finally make them.

This has already been worn to death.  I love it as much as Alaire.
Pattern is by Figgy's Patterns

Don't you want a maxi dress like this of your own?  I do.  I was unsure of how it would look and function on a busy three year old, but it is perfect.  She was on cloud nine and couldn't quit spinning around.  I will definitely be making a few more.  

Pattern by Violette Field Threads
These are the matching pillowcase rompers I made for Alaire and the new baby girl that will be coming soon!
Pattern by Whimsy Coture Pattern Shop

I have decided to sell these rompers and I will be posting them in my shop soon.
You can contact me if you have any requests for them.

This is just a basic peasant dress.  I have made this pattern a lot and it seems to fit for at least two years in a row, which is a huge plus!  

I hope you all had a great Easter weekend. Hopefully you had good food and company.  We have been traveling for the last ten days and drove back yesterday.  It feels good to be home, but there is much to be done in the next few months.  I am sure I will be posting A LOT about some of our home improvement projects and decorating.  OH and of course some sewing for baby!
A lot of people have asked if my nursery is done... absolutely NOT.  I haven't even started.  The room still has to be cleaned out!  I am sure I will show you that embarrassing process at some point too!